CodeMark is a voluntary product certification scheme that provides an easy-to-understand and robust way to show a building product or building method meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code (the Building code).
CodeMark is suitable for any building product or method but is particularly beneficial to manufacturers and suppliers of products that are innovative, new to the market or would have serious consequences if they failed.
Our Design Methodology Product is an innovative design system and is currently the only Product Certificate for a Building Method held in New Zealand, issued pursuant to Section 269 of the Building Act 2004.
Deemed To Comply
CodeMark certified products are 'deemed to comply' with the Building Code. Building consent authorities (BCAs) must accept a CodeMark certificate as evidence of compliance with the Building Code, provided the certificate is current and valid, and the product or method is used in accordance with the scope and limitations as defined on the certificate.
CodeMark is currently the only 'deemed to comply' product certification scheme in New Zealand.
DINEX CodeMark Certificate
The DINEX Building Design Method is a controlled design method for creating site-specific plans and specifications, as defined by section 7 of the Building Act 2004, for building consent applications, and post consent alterations.
The current CodeMark Certificate is monitored and issued by Bureau Veritas Australia Pty Ltd. The current Version can be found in the CodeMark product certificate register [Click here to view the register].
Mark of Conformity
All Plans and Specifications produced under the DINEX CodeMark Certificate must bear the mark of conformity and certificate number. Also any Application for Building Consent or Amendment to a Building Consent bust also be supported by a signed and dated DINEX Design Summary / Declaration document.
This mark of conformity indicates that those documents and thus applications can be deemed to comply with all requirements of the DINEX CodeMark Certificate.
Auditing and Corrective and Preventative Action Management
DINEX have robust Auditing requirements to remain in the CodeMark Certification Scheme which includes the Annual Certification Body Audit, monthly external auditor Audits and ongoing internal audits.
Each audit adds to the ongoing Corrective and Preventative Action Management that is undertaken on a day to day basis to ensure we are constantly complying with our auditing and certification requirements.